Portfolio of writings, photographs, design, artwork and experiences


Here's everything that defines my world - music, travel, photography, education, design, culture, love, life. Explore the world through my eyes.


Drive With Me

6 years ago, when I first started applying to business schools, I was asked by a particular school to write an essay about taking a cross-country drive with three people of my choice (dead or alive). They were interested in knowing who I’d pick, why, and what sort of conversations would take place. Here is the essay:

Even as I pack my duffel bag with its bare necessities, I ponder over the journey to come. Today I embark on a trip unlike others I have been on. This journey is more symbolic, more astounding, and definitely more significant. Although bordering on the realms of fantasy, this voyage drips with a possibility so tangible, that it takes my breath away. A cross-country drive in a classic Ford Shelby in the company of my choice? It does not get better than that. Our history is dotted with prominent individuals who have left their mark on our future, and picking out a group from this ensemble is a hard choice to make.

I roll out of my drive way, all packed and ready, my shining Shelby roaring in anticipation of the miles ahead. I best make haste, as the road calls out to me, and I yet have to make three pick ups – the three guests of honor who will join me on my drive.


My first companion waits solemnly on the side walk. There is an aura of peace about him. His serenity is alluring and mesmerizing. Although long deceased, Jiddu Krishnamurti appears healthy and in good spirit. I open the door and guide him into the front seat. Krishnamurti was a famous Indian philosopher, raised by prominent theosophist Annie Besant. He was an influential voice on matters regarding education, global culture, and philosophy. He founded the Rishi Valley School (among others), the school which I graduated from. I have always believed that I imbibed a sense of what Krishnamurti discussed – especially his ideals on simplicity, culture, and nature. His philosophies transcend traditional educational expectations, and his schools portrayed his visions of simplicity, extracurricular indulgence, and non-competitiveness.


My next accomplice is already waiting. He huffs his pipe impatiently, aggrieved by our lateness. His crispogilvy suit, neat hair, and British oomph set him apart from others around him. He too has left the real world, leaving a legacy behind. They call him “The father of advertising”. David MacKenzie Ogilvy seats himself comfortably in the back seat, appreciating the machine of choice for the road ahead. Ogilvy was the pioneer of modern advertising. His understanding of the global customer and his needs were revolutionary. His work is study-worthy for any aspiring youngster in the field. I look up to him as a mentor. His creativity is inspirational, and his achievements were unassailable. His global views and perceptions altered the modern outlook on business, marketing, and advertising.


imagesFinally, I pick up the last of our troupe. This young-at-heart maverick leans against a wall, smoking a cigarette nonchalantly. He spots my car, picks up his rucksack and jumps into the backseat. Anthony Bourdain acknowledges the presence around him in his typical brash style. He does often come across as arrogant, but beneath the facade is a person with deep understanding of the gritty world as it is. He is a passionate traveler, a culinary connoisseur, and a renowned chef. A true New Yorker, he lives the fast-paced life, but stops every once in a while to take in his surroundings. His ideals on global culture are appealing to me, and his blatant dossier on the world is insightful and humorous. He is an ambassador for travel, food, drink, and culture.


The car is packed now, filled up physically and intellectually. The achievements of the three individuals are beyond doubt. What each person represents is also unique and amazing. However, what makes this group spectacular is the well-rounded combined outlook on life and culture. Each individual provides a contrast on subjects related to culture (especially on a global scale) and people. I would be the center of this triangle of knowledge. I would learn from each differing viewpoint on the array of subjects before me.

Krishnamurti would talk about the simplicity that is required in life, and how materialism has clogged the mind from normal functioning. Here, Bourdain would agree, rigidly putting down commercialism. Ogilvy would then calmly defend consumerism in his own brand of old-school know-how. He would talk of the building of society and economics, and how commercialism is but a natural process.

One of the most fascinating facets to the discussions would be on culture. All three are global visionaries, taking on a united stance on culture. Krishnamurti would talk about philosophy and education with respect to culture. Ogilvy would provide a global outlook on culture, touching upon consumers and products. Bourdain would add a fresh perspective to the discussion, with his humorous and cynical take on life in different parts of the world. His counterparts are intellectually superior, but his gritty physical experience of the world sets him in good stead. Thus, combined, a beautiful canopy of healthy discussion on culture and life would develop.

The journey has been long and winding, but every moment is enjoyed thoroughly. The guests stoke each others knowledge, beliefs, and ideals. Not a minute is wasted in baseless banter. Each topic of discussion is engaging and challenging, and most importantly, pertinent to the world around us. Society, culture, nature, philosophy, and business ideals are scrutinized and dissected. Not a stone is left unturned. This miraculous journey has united cultural masterminds from different eras and continents, resulting in a colorful repertoire of meaningful dialogue.

Branding the bookstore of the future

Wow, that went by really fast, and yet it felt like a lifetime. My MBA is done, and I am graduating soon. It has been a memorable and challenging journey, and I am glad I have finally achieved what I set out to do many many years ago. It is fitting that I ended my MBA with a final project in my branding class. Branding is my favorite topic, and is what drew me to an MBA in the first place. In this branding class, I really enjoyed working on our project, where we had to come up with a new market opportunity and create an effective brand around the concept. My fantastic team (Chelsea Lowry, Jeff Kennedy, Crystal Lin, Rod Delgado, Noah Federici) came up with the concept of a “bookstore of the future”. After much brainstorming, customer interviews, surveys and market research, we identified an opportunity that sits in between online retailers and offline bookstores. An ebookstore café.

Now, I love branding and identity so much, and with it being my final chance at BU to do something special, I worked really hard to come up with an identity that would really work in explaining the concept. The brand name “Pageless” was the brainchild of my classmate Chelsea Lowry. Here is my final logo design (after several iterations):

logo final

The disappearing book symbolizes pageless-ness, freedom from the pages, infinity, etc. Similarly the page in pageless is disappearing, indicating that the concept of physical pages is no longer that relevant, with the move to digital technologies.

Our positioning statement reads: “Pageless will bridge the social gap between the convenience and selection of online book shopping with the experience of a bookstore café.”

A description of the brand – “We are the bookstore of the future. We are digital, interactive and desirable. We combine the homely comforts of choice with the technological innovation that excites you. Our books are digital, but our ambiance – personal. Our café lets you relax with your book of choice, while you sip on your favorite beverage or grab a bite. Our variety of lounging options caters to your every need, providing a social, relaxed and invigorating environment.”

Our environment:









The LCD screens would allow users to browse a virtual library and select books they want to read and push it to their tablet device or smartphone.

The following are sample marketing collateral I designed (images are used for educational purposes only.)

Woman using electronic tablet in coffee shop
Man and woman using electronic tablet in coffee shop Man and woman using electronic tablet in coffee shop final1

Introspection Amid Chaos

Self-reflection is the process of personal actualization by tuning out the clutter in the mind and devoting time and energy to make peace within. People who are trying to reflect generally seek out silence and peace, to avoid distractions. They feel that by digging deep and escaping reality, one can find the peace in their environment, before finding answers within.

I, however, believe that the best way to truly reflect is to immerse yourself in the chaos, to push your mind deep into the clutter, rather than to pull away and work from under it. The more you drown yourself in the pandemonium, the more it tends to abstract, till the disparate noises become a combined, droning hum that is almost lulling in nature.  It is at this point that you rise above the collective chaos, and truly begin to introspect.

I once tried to introspect by traveling India alone for 3 months. I thought that traveling alone would provide me the space to truly understand myself. It turned out to be the exact opposite. My best moments of reflection were amid the maddening din and hustle that is India. I traveled from city to city by dusty trains and buses, and there was never a moment of quiet. Drones of people jumped on and off, while I sat. I simply sat. I spoke occasionally, but mostly just sat and observed. The noise never bothered me. The sweat and stench did not affect me. The spilled coffee, the money-seeking eunuch, the vomiting baby… I was above it all. I smiled and acknowledged each element as it banked on the shore of my lake of confusion, slowly getting pulled in and joining the humming tranquility. I sat, perched upon a tree by the lake, looking down at the confusion, and making sense of it all, and in essence, making sense of myself.

An Analogy of the Two-Sided Market

A two-sided market or two-sided network is a market that has two parties that require each others services to survive. The medium that allows these two sides to connect is the platform. For example, a newspaper is a platform for customers and advertisers.

There is often a catch 22 situation in two-sided markets, where one side will not adopt the platform because they are not convinced in the other sides participation. For example, say a new apps marketplace opens up (like apple store or androids marketplace/Google play). This marketplace would be a platform for the two-sides, namely end-customers of apps, and the app developers. However, for this platform to be successful, it needs participation from both parties. Let’s say the platform company approaches app developers to provide games on their platform, the app developers would be apprehensive until they see enough customers on the other side of the platform. However, if the platform approaches the end-customer with the notion of the platform, the customers would want to see the apps and games available before they adopt the system. See the catch-22? How does one overcome this situation where a valuable platform is unable to succeed because each party needs more than the promise of participation from the other side?

There are countless studies on strategies to deal with this dilemma, but the point of this article was to introduce an analogy of this concept on a two-sided market.

Someone told me this story a while ago, and it sounds like a perfect example of a two-sided market dilemma, and a brilliant solution to it as well. I am using my creative liberty to modify the tale a bit. Here goes –

An old, wise man sits back in his chair and contemplates his life. He smokes his pipe, criticizing some choices he has made in life, while appreciating some good fortune as well. A modest man with simple needs, the man was never an ambitious person, but he now faces a situation where his son has no job and no love. The old man wonders how he can help his son out, and pull him out of the rut. The man has an idea.

The old man is respected in his community for his wisdom and his contributions to society. He is, therefore, well connected in the social circles.

He approaches the CEO of  JMS, a big corporation, asking for a meeting. The CEO meets him for a quick lunch one day, and the old man says “Mr. CEO, on behalf of my son, I ask for your daughters hand in marriage. They would make a lovely couple.”

The CEO, appalled, retorts “No way old man. I respect you, but my daughter will only marry a CEO”.

The old man patiently responds “I understand, Mr. CEO. But my son is going to be the CEO of BRT, your biggest competition, and whose current CEO is about to step down and retire.”

The CEO, calming down, says “Hmmm, that is interesting. If that is so, he may marry my daughter”

After the meal, the old man quickly approaches the CEO of BRT, and says “Make my son the next CEO. He is set to be married to your competing firm CEO’s daughter. Think about the possibilities if he were CEO. The two parties can become an absolute powerhouse!”

The CEO of BRT, drooling over the possibilities, agrees.

The old man’s son, is now married and is the CEO of a company.

2-sided market and an effective solution? What do you think??

The Great Indian Experience

Back in 2008, I decided to travel my home country by road, with a very meager budget. I had not explored India, and wanted to see it; feel it; be it. I ended up traveling alone for three months (in peak summer). It was hard, gritty, sweaty, uncomfortable, and yet amazing. This was MY journey of exploration; of introspection; of discovery within and without.

Just to give you an idea of how crazy it got, here is a map of my journey. I traveled between cities by train (second class), during the worst summer I have ever experienced. Temperatures were soaring, and I was sometimes stuck in a train for 3 days (no fans or A/C, mind you). That is an experience.

Here are a few shots I clicked during the best experience of my life.

album 1

album 2